I remember when I was young, walking through the old streets of the capital on the island of Mallorca. I was incredibly curious, walking alongside my parents, about the hundreds and hundreds of names drawn on the walls and doors. I later found out this was what many call graffiti.
But there was one piece of graffiti that I always appreciated, that I always liked, the one that I stood looking at, imagining myself sitting inside that little basket, travelling in the blue sky, on the well-known island of calm. That little hot air balloon, located in front of one of my favourite bars, Quina Creu, near the Plaza de la Quartera in Palma, made me start playing a solitary game. Every time I walked through the city, I tried to find more drawings on walls, doors and buildings. What started as a game became a passion, and today I love to get lost in the streets to observe and enjoy all the art that can be found by visiting the old city of Palma.
If you’re inspired, like me, to enjoy the street art of the city, here are some of my favourite local artists.
The art of Joan Aguilo | Photo by Mallorca Urban Adventures
Joan Aguiló is a well-known urban artist who creates work around the island of Mallorca, as well as in Barcelona, London and Berlin. He has a realistic style, drawing anonymous people doing daily activities, primarily children. From small drawings on small doors, to large murals on the facade of a building, he always tries to reflect the local life and the character of the society where he paints. Although it must be said that he is also known for displays addressing social and political problems. This is truly an artist to follow and it’s well worth spending an afternoon trying to find his art through the streets of the capital.
A piece by SOMA in Palma | Photo by Mallorca Urban Adventures
Marc Peris, better known as SOMA, has been painting in the streets of Palma for over 10 years. He is one of the best known street artists on the island for his innovative style, always with a touch of social criticism. The style of SOMA takes us to a world full of imagination and bright colours, creating artwork full of life. Thanks to that style, SOMA is one of the great street artists with more work in the city, especially in the neighbourhood of Canamunt, where many bars and shops have his work on their doors or barriers.
The artistry of Zon | Photo by Mallorca Urban Adventures
Zon is one of those unique artists with a very distinctive style. You can find his work all around Palma: women on the walls, their colours almost always lilac or blue, with looks that convey a lot. Zon is well known for that and much more. His work may seem repetitive, or that his pieces are always very similar, but they always give you something that the previous one did not, and it’s hard to get tired of his art. As final note; if you look at his signature, you can read it from top to bottom or bottom to top.
This is just a small brushstroke (or a little taste), of what street art in Palma is. I invite you to come visit our city, get lost in its streets, and discover the hundreds of artists who share their art with the whole world.