
How Do You Find An Urban Adventure?

August 05, 2014
Urban Adventures

On this week’s Travel Talk On Twitter, we caught up with Intrepid Travel and the Twitter community to talk urban adventures. We were so inspired by the diversity of stories and suggestions that we rounded up our favourite responses so you can get inspired too!

Istanbul Alley

1. What’s your favourite city to explore & why? via @Frances_M_B

Hong Kong, New York City, and Berlin! Three awesome cities with diverse neighbourhoods that combine historical sites and modern delights.

2. What’s your must do activity in a new city? via @drinkteatravel
Couldn’t have said it better ourselves! Mastering public transit and wandering the streets allow you to see how locals live and travel their city. Eating street food immerses you in the local cuisine with a sort of urban buffet. We love the idea of checking out a local supermarket – in fact, part of our When Pigs Fry tour takes you inside grocery store to learn the origins of pork distribution in Hogtown!

3. What and where are some of the most unusual/offbeat activities/events you’ve encountered in cities? via @VoyagerVicki

Being in a Bollywood film is definitely near the top of our bucket list! Until then, you’ll find us exploring the neighbourhoods of Tokyo, and checking out graffiti in Williamsburg and Kreuzberg!

4. What’s your best story-worthy urban adventure you’ve ever had? via @AntiTourist

Often the best story-worthy urban adventure isn’t the craziest or the most exciting, but the one that was unexpected and allowed you to experience the city like a local. Paris is not a bad place to end up in on a trip to Barcelona, and we absolutely love getting lost (purposely of course) in zesty Zanzibar with all those amazing handmade wooden doors. 

5. Share your fave photo from an urban adventure. via @EmmaHart7

No caption necessary. These are just plain awesome!


 If you haven’t noticed, we’re kind of obsessed with urban adventure! Join us for the Best. Day. Ever. with a local adventure in over 90 cities around the world.